Applications are now closed to take part in this year’s performances. Please check back to be a part of our 2025 performances.
Not yet a member of Downland Dance? Contact us to arrange a free trial class and make sure you don’t miss out on our amazing dancing opportunities!
Participation form not working? Please click here to submit it in a different tab.
How To Get Involved
If you or your child loves to dance, and you’d like to get involved, please have a read of the important information below, and then submit a form before the closing date (2nd March 2025).
Important Information:
Key Dates
Please only commit to the show if you/your child can attend all key dates:
‘Full Cast’ Rehearsals (Aureus Secondary School, OX11 6FF):
- Tues 22nd, Weds 23rd, and Thurs 24th July:
- 5.00pm – 6.00pm (dancers from Overture, Pre Primary, Primary, Grade 1, Silver Swans, Achievers Club, and Soloists)
- 6.00pm – 8.00pm (Grades 2-4, Junior Risers, Achievers Club, and Soloists)
- 6.30pm – 8.00pm (Grades 5 – Adults).
General Rehearsal (Cornerstone Arts Centre):
- Fri 25th July: Dancers arrive at 11.30am for rehearsals from 12.30pm – 3.30pm (dancers from Overture – Grade 1 and Silver Swans may leave after the first act).
Performance Dates (Cornerstone Arts Centre):
- Fri 25th July: Dancers arrive at 5.00pm for 6.00pm show (dancers from Overture – Grade 1 and Silver Swans may leave after the first act)
- Sat 26th July: Dancers arrive at 1.00pm for 3.00pm show (dancers from Overture – Grade 1 and Silver Swans may leave after the first act).
More information is available on our timetable page.
Rehearsals will be held in our Abingdon West Wing studio, on Sundays throughout the summer term. We rehearse over a full term to give our dancers enough time to get to grips with the choreography, which helps them feel secure and confident on the stage. Dancers will be called in groups, according to the parts they are playing in the show, to learn their choreography. Most students will be required for around an hour each Sunday (apart from half term), although those asked to dance solo roles may be required for multiple rehearsals on any given week. Our youngest dancers (Overture and Pre-Primary students) will have shorter rehearsals, and won’t start until after half term. Click here to see a draft rehearsal timetable. Attendance at rehearsals is crucial, as regular absences can drastically affect the show experience for other dancers. Please only commit to the show if you are able to reliably come to each rehearsal.
The running time of the show will be about 2 hours, and will include a short interval (Saturday’s performance will conclude with our Annual Awards Ceremony, and so will be slightly longer).
There will be a check-in/check-out procedure upon entry into the venue. Your children will be chaperoned whilst in the venue, and no parents will be allowed back-stage.
Photos and Video
The performances will be photographed and filmed. By signing up to take part, you agree that your/your child’s images may be captured, and that we may sell those images or use them for future marketing.
Select ‘Add Photos and Video’ on the sign up form to receive:
- A link to view all photos taken over the performance weekend, and download as many as you like, and
- 1 x DVD or digital download of the performance.
- Price: £30 (added onto your participation fee).
Both of these products can be purchased individually later at a price of £20 each.
Participation Fee
The participation fee covers all rehearsal and tuition costs over the full course, as well as the cost of creating costumes. Participation fees can be paid in one lump, or in installments, but the full cost must be paid by Friday 23rd May 2025. The participation fee is:
- Overture and Pre Primary: £60
- All other students: £85.
We believe that performance opportunities are a vital part of dance training. If you/your child would like to take part, but you have difficulty in meeting the cost of participation, please contact Adam at: (please note that limited assistance is available).
Participation fees are non-refundable.