Below you will find answers to some FAQ’s about the Performance Academy. If your question isn’t answered here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the contact form below, or email info@downland-dance.co.uk
What is the DDPA? | We know that the highlight of the year for many of our students is the ability to perform in the end of year show. We want to make that experience as memorable as possible for our dancers, and the DDPA allows us to do that. |
Why are rehearsals being held on Sundays? | We appreciate that people have busy lives, which can make it increasingly difficult to schedule rehearsal times which suit the majority. We truly think the the Performance Academy will be a standout experience for our students, so we’d like to make it available to as many of them as possible. Holding rehearsals on Sundays allows us to do that. |
Which benefits can I/ my child expect to gain from participating? | The Performance Academy will put you in close personal contact with professionals who have real life experience on the world’s stages. Aside from learning the discipline and etiquette practiced universally in theatres around the world, dancers will benefit from a better understanding of their dance technique, and how the work they are learning in their normal classes translates into choreography. Performers will gain valuable stage experience, which will boost confidence, and they will learn how to quickly learn and adapt dance material, improving versatility. Of course, the greatest benefit of all is the amount of fun they will have along the way! |
Why are there so many rehearsals? | We rehearse over a full term for the benefit of our dancers. Giving them plenty of time to get to grips with the choreography, and master any technical challenges, will help them feel more relaxed and comfortable on stage. We want to make sure that everyone has a great time performing on stage! |
Where will the rehearsals be held? | The majority of rehearsals will be held in our Abingdon West Wing studio, with the exception of the General Rehearsals, which will be held at Aureus Secondary School. You can find the addresses of both locations at: www.downland-dance.co.uk/classes/studios |
How long will rehearsals last? | Most dancers will be required for around an hour at a time, however those dancing a main role may be asked to attend longer rehearsals so that they can be included in multiple scenes. Younger students may only be needed for a shorter period of time.
The General Rehearsals will require all dancers to stay for a litlle longer (up to 3 hours), but breaks will of course be provided and younger dancers may again be able to leave early. Detailed updates will be announced via email and on the Timetable page. |
What is the purpose of the ‘Full Cast’ Rehearsals? | The performance will be choreographed in groups. As it is a story ballet, we will require longer Full Cast to piece the scenes together and choreograph the connections. It is also our opportunity to go over the rules of the theatre so that we can ensure the show runs as smoothly as possible when we move to the stage. This is an important part of the process and serves to further educate students around the structure of the choreographic process. |
What if I/ my child are unable to make some of the rehearsal dates? | Unfortunately rehearsal time is limited, and having regular gaps in the cast during rehearsals would cause disruption to the other dancers. For this reason, any dancer who regularly misses scheduled rehearsals will have to be withdrawn from the performances, and any money paid forfeited. We ask you to please check the rehearsal dates carefully before submitting a participation form. |
Will I/ my child be required at any times other than those advertised? | We have taken care to make sure that enough rehearsal time has been scheduled to complete the ballet, however some things (such as costume fittings) cannot be scheduled until we know how many students will be taking part. We will try to keep extra calls to a minimum, but in the case of it becoming necessary, we will contact you via email. |
Are the dates advertised final? | The scheduled rehearsal dates have been finalised and are unlikely to be changed, however we reserve the right to alter rehearsal dates, times and locations where absolutely necessary. Parents will be notified immediately in the case of any changes or additions. |
What does the participation fee cover? | The participation fee covers the cost of all tuition and rehearsal time over the full course, as well as the cost of creating costumes, and goes towards other necessary costs like creating sets and props. |
Will photos and/or videos be taken during the process? | We may take photo’s and/or video recordings during the rehearsals, and use them either to assist us choreographically or for marketing purposes. We will ask parents to confirm consent for this on the participation forms, which will be a pre-requisite for taking part. Parents or dancers may ask us to remove any photos that we have shared publicly, and we will do so without question. Student names will never be listed alongside their image without prior consent. The performances may be recorded for our records, and may be available for sale. |
Will there still be an Awards Ceremony? | Yes, the Awards Ceremony will run as usual after our final performance. |
Will the Performance Academy be returning next year? | We hope that the Performance Academy will become a regular feature of our annual calendar, which will give our students something to look forward to! |
Are parents allowed to watch rehearsals? | Parents are not allowed to watch rehearsals. |
Contact Us:
Email: info@downland-dance.co.uk
Phone: 01235 554060
Address (Abingdon):
Coxeter House
Abingdon OX14 3RG
Address (Didcot):
Aureus Secondary School
Candytuft Way
OX11 6FF
Address (Hagbourne):
Hagbourne Village Hall
35 Main Road
East Hagbourne
OX11 9LR
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