Introducing: Improver’s Open Classes!
Dear Dancers,
You will have noticed, included in next term’s timetable are a few exciting new classes which are going to be taught by our fantastic new teacher, and resident professional dancer, Miss Laura.

Miss Laura
The ballet classes are going to be open classes, which means that Miss Laura will be setting her own exercises in each class in a way that allows all of her students to make the most improvement in the least amount of time possible. The classes are designed to supplement your RAD training, and they are open to anyone who really wants to reach their maximum dancing potential. There are some guidelines as to who the classes are intended for however so make sure you read on to find out which class is right for you.
Technique Open Class:
The first step towards becoming the best dancer you can be is to make sure that you have a solid technical base. The Downland Dance Technique Open Class has been developed with Miss Laura to help students fully understand the essential base of a good ballet technique, and to build the strength necessary to sustain it. It is for students who already know how a ballet class is structured, and have a basic understanding of their technique, but would like to feel more secure in their movements.
Recommended for students aged 11-15.
£6.00 per class.
Artistic Open Class:
Open to students of the same age group as above, this class will focus on adding artistic flare onto a solid technical base. The exercises will be slightly more difficult than those in the Technique Open Class, but they will help you to unlock your full artistic capacity, and ensure that your movements have the ‘wow factor’ that makes them look professional, and shows everybody how much you love to dance!
Recommended for students aged 11-15.
£6.75 per class.
‘Company Class’ Open Class:
This is a class for our older and more advanced students- and adults are welcome too! These classes will give the idea of a professional company class, which means that it will be conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and those who attend are welcome to do as much or as little as they need. The exercises will be constructed of a combination of technique and artistry, with plenty of opportunity for dancers to try new things and to learn new skills.
Recommended for dancers aged 16+.
£7.50 per class.
Floor Barre:
Floor barre is the ultimate aid to dance training, and it serves as an excellent warm up for class (as used by professional dancers worldwide), although it isn’t necessary to do the ballet class that follows in the timetable. I highly recommend that you come and see for yourselves just how much floor barre can help you to gain the strength and flexibility necessary for a strong ballet technique, without putting any of the stress on your body that’s associated with a traditional ballet class.
Recommended for dancers aged 14+.
£4.50 per class.
If you have any questions about any of the above classes, then please feel free to get in touch with me by email at Alternatively, Miss Laura will be happy to help place you in the class that best suits your needs after her classes start in January.
If you would like to have a class added to your invoice for next term, please contact Suzanne. If you would rather wait and try out the classes in January before deciding what you want to attend that is also fine.
Best wishes,
Adam Harris
Artistic Director