Tips for exam candidates
We know how important exams are to our students and their families, which is why we work hard to make sure all exams candidates are looking and feeling their best before they go in. Don’t worry if you are feeling nervous – that’s quite normal! We know that our students try their very best in the build up to exams, so we hope that the tips below will give them the impetus to perform at their best on exam day:
- Arrive Early. Make sure you get to the studio with plenty of time to get ready. Rushing yourself before the exam will add unnecessary stress, and giving yourself an extra few minutes to settle your mind will give you the confidence to do your best!
- Dress to Impress. Please make sure you arrive with hair and uniform in an impeccable condition. Showing the examiner that you are well disciplined with your appearance and manner will go a long way to impressing them.
- Nervous? Being nervous makes you dehydrated, and being dehydrated makes you feel nervous. Make sure you drink plenty of water on the day of the exam.
- Worried? Remember that we’re all human (including the examiner) and mistakes happen. If something goes ‘not to plan’ during the exam, don’t let it distract you. Just smile and keep on going!
- Remember: Confidence is King! Take a deep breath before you enter the room to help focus your mind, and let any fears you might have leave your body as you exhale.
- Enjoy! Exams are a golden opportunity to practice performing in front of a new audience, and what could be more enjoyable than performing the dances that you have worked so hard to get right?